Senegal Mangrove Restoration Opportunity

Type: Nature-based Solutions | Blue Carbon
Standard: Registered under VCS. Planning to also register under CCB.

This ready-to-go, community-based mangrove planting project can restore up to 5,000 hectares of the Casamance Delta ecosystem in Senegal. The project has been designed for long-term community benefit, as well as high integrity nature-based carbon removals.

The project delivers significant community benefits including the employment of thousands of women in project activities, an expected wellbeing improvement for entire communities through enhanced fishing, farming, and bee keeping due to stabilized coastlines.

The project will be among the first to issue under Verra’s latest methodology for tidal wetland restoration - accounting for sea level rises as well as accumulation of soil organic carbon. The project implementation partner has supported the trials of pioneering new technologies and eDNA techniques in mangroves. The non-invasive eDNA technology detected plant and animal species in the regional mangrove ecosystem – including successfully singling out a rare species of Pangolin, included on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) endangered list and only one of three confirmed species in Senegal. 

Key highlights of this blue carbon project development opportunity:  

  • Large scale opportunity to secure carbon removals verified between 2028 and 2051​ 
  • Investment-ready following extensive due diligence, rigorous partner selection and early operation ​ 
  • Climate Impact Partners has worked closely with the project implementation partner and local NGO to oversee the successful planting of nearly eight million mangroves to de-risk the project, with the potential for a total of 23 million to be planted by 2028

  • Significant impact across multiple UN Sustainable Development Goal indicators​​ because alongside the carbon impact, the project delivers significant community benefits and biodiversity value 

This nature-based carbon removal project takes urgent action to combat climate change (SDG 13). In addition, the project is expected to deliver a number of other sustainable development benefits. These include:

  • No Poverty: Improved well-being of entire communities expected from improved fishing, farming and bee keeping. ​ 
  • Zero Hunger: An independent study found that activities already enacted have already directly benefitted local communities, with households improving their diet. ​ 
  • Gender Equality: Thousands of women are expected to be engaged in project activities. 
  • Decent Work and Economic Growth: Community employment is a key part of the project, including thousands expected to be engaged in project activities.  
  • Reduced Inequalities: This project will improve livelihoods in Senegal which is classified as a Least Developed Country (LDC) according to the United Nations.
  • Climate Action: The project mitigates climate change through carbon removal and storage in mangrove trees. It also improves adaptation to climate change because mangroves help to protect coastlines from storms and floods.​ 
  • Life Below Water: Mangroves improve water quality, and provide a habitat for a range of species. 
  • Life on Land: Restoring the Casamance Delta which is home to over fifty species of mammals and hundreds of migratory birds, including the endangered yellow-casqued hornbill and rufous-winged illadopsis. 

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