Cookie Policy

Understand our cookie policy


In this document you will find information on what cookies are used in this site and Climate Impact Partners microsites and how to reject or delete those cookies if you wish.

If you wish to delete any cookies that are already on your computer, please refer to the instructions for your file management software to locate the file or directory that stores cookies.

Information on deleting or controlling cookies as well as more general information about cookies is also available at

For information on how to do this on the browser of your mobile phone you will need to refer to your handset manual.

Please note that by deleting our cookies or disabling future cookies you may not be able to access certain areas or features of our site.

What are Cookies?

Cookies are text files containing small amounts of information which are downloaded to your device when you visit a website. Cookies are then sent back to the originating website on each subsequent visit, or to another website that recognizes that cookie. Cookies are useful because they allow a website to recognize a user’s device. You can find more information about cookies by visiting:; or

How the Climate Impact partners Uses Cookies

Cookies allow the Climate Impact to recognise devices and track how our visitors use We use cookies that are essential for you to navigate or provide you with basic website features. Data collected from some cookies helps us enhance the performance of and offer you a better user experience.

There are several types of cookies that are used to keep track of information needed by a site user as they travel from page to page within a website.

Cookies on Climate Impact Partners Sites and Microsites

First-party cookies

The domain specified in the cookie relates to the cookie’s owner (the “party”), who has set the cookie. cookies will have the domain specified in a cookie. These are first-party cookies.

Session Cookies 

Session cookies are stored only temporarily during a browsing session. No information about you is stored in the session cookie and it is deleted automatically as soon as you close the browser window to leave the site.

Third-party cookies and microsites

Cookies can be used to track internet activity after the user has left a website. These are normally facilitated by organisations external to the website being visited and are generally known as ‘third-party’ cookies. They usually have a long lifetime with several months being quite common. They are ‘harvested’ and ‘refreshed’ whenever the user visits a page where the same or a similar cookie is being used. sets a number of cookies. These are used to analyse visitors’ browsing of for future improvements and to provide certain useful functions such as storing your login details.

A third-party cookie is set when you visit a site but the domain named in the cookie sent to your computer is not the same as the website.

Other Third Party processing activities

If you shorten our site URLs, for example on Twitter or Facebook, we may use services such as,, and to do so, and our site works with these to rebrand our URLs as a link. Also our website sometimes offers features that allow users to share links with social networks and our site may shorten that URL using one of these services.

These services provide us with anonymised, aggregated statistics relating to the use of our shortened URL, for example by telling us how many times it has been clicked on.

For more information on these services please see below:

  • Google url shortener, – Privacy policy
  • Bitly Enterprise, – Privacy policy
  • TinyURL, – Terms of use
  • url shortener,

Google Analytics

We currently use Google Analytics to measure and analyse visitor information related to our web site. For that purpose, your IP address, internet traffic data and data on your browser type and PC are collected using several cookies (_utma, _utmc, utmb, utmz):

  • _utma is used by Google Analytics to identify first-time site (‘unique’) visitors vs. returning visitors. It expires after two years
  • _utmc identifies unique visitors vs. returning visitors but expires when you close your browser.
  • _utmb is used for general visitor tracking and expires after 30 minutes.
  • _utmz tracks source visits (the origin of the visit). It expires after six months.

Google may also transfer this information to third parties where required to do so by law, or where such third parties process the information on Google’s behalf. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held by Google. For information on how to reject or delete this cookie.

Please visit for more information.


Microsites are collections of webpages created as a discrete entity within a larger website. Microsite pages are usually related by content on a similar topic. They often have a different domain name from the parent website and content for microsites may be provided by specialist organisations. hosts several microsites on our servers and links to many others hosted by our corporate partners. The Climate Impact Partners does not control dissemination of third party cookies.


We use Hubspot to track marketing campaigns on more information can be found here Track visitors in HubSpot


iFrames are set up on some of our pages to present our carbon calculator tool.  

Cookies Set By Third Party Sites

We sometimes need to embed media content from third party websites. For example photos from flickr and video content from websites such as YouTube and Twitter. As a result, when you visit a page with content from sites like these, you may be presented with cookies from these websites. We do not control these so you should check the relevant third party website for more information.

Share Tools

If you share information on this site with friends through social networks e.g. Facebook or Twitter you may be sent cookies from these websites. We do not control these cookies so please check the relevant third party website for more information.

Rejecting cookies

Internet browsers normally accept cookies by default, but it is possible to set a browser to reject cookies. If this is done it is important not to exclude the benign and useful cookies. Choose an option that rejects all third party and long-lived cookies.

Policy review

For the avoidance of doubt all policies relating to GDPR and/or data protection (whether referred to on the, the Climate Impact Partners website or otherwise communicated to the Climate Impact Partners’s staff, customers) are not contractually binding on the Climate Impact Partners website and may be withdrawn or amended at any time. They will be under ongoing review and will be replaced with the latest versions accordingly. Please submit any questions to [email protected] 

Preference centre 

We use Cookiehub as the means to provide consent to cookies that are enabled on the website.