Q&A with our technical experts

Last Updated 16 April 2024

Hear how our team of industry- leading project experts respond to changes in corporate demand, keep a pulse on the latest carbon market trends, and bring new methodologies to Carbon Asset Development.

Valerie Morgan - Senior Nature Based Solutions Manager, Project Development

Describe your job.
My role at Climate Impact Partners is to identify high quality, high-potential impact projects and assess their technical viability based on the voluntary carbon standards and alignment with our own internal standards. Our role is to ensure that the projects we work with have the highest community and environmental impacts. We do this by having a robust due diligence process and by assessing both the partner and the design of the project.

How have you seen corporate demand change?
Over the last few years corporates have become increasingly ambitious to address their impact on the climate. They are not only putting in place objectives to reduce their emissions but also using carbon offsetting as a means to deliver Sustainable Development benefits that are close to their values. As corporates are setting targets over longer time horizons (sometimes up to 30 years) they increasingly look to invest in their own projects. We use our expertise and experience to manage project risk and navigate the complexity for them, helping them select the right project activities to meet their needs.

For example, one of our clients, a leading services company has invested in a project at an initial stage that will distribute millions of fruit and timber trees to thousands of small holders in Indonesia. Once the trees grow, the carbon sequestered in those trees will generate carbon credits. These credits will go towards the service company’s net zero goals. All of this thanks to the voluntary carbon market.

What do you find most enjoyable about your job?
I’m proud to work for an organization that builds projects that will go on for decades to come. It is has been so rewarding to see the positive impacts that carbon finance brings to people and places that need it most. I feel lucky to work at the nexus of corporate ambition, the Sustainable Development Goals and climate change and see how the three can be addressed in the form of carbon credits.

Top tip for project partners looking to work with the Voluntary Carbon Market?
Look for a credible long-term partner, with a history of operating in this market over time and dealing with its changes and fluctuations. This will help you achieve a sustainable impact. At Climate Impact Partners, we have a rigorous process to identify the best quality projects, those that are designed to bring direct benefits to communities and continue to provide impact even after the crediting period has ended. Carbon finance is the means, not the end.

Christiaan Vrolijk – Head of Sourcing, UK

Describe your job.
My role at Climate Impact Partners is to build long term partnerships with corporate and project partners. This requires not only staying ahead of market trends, but also helping clients have a balanced portfolio. For example even though the market currently has a preference for Nature-Based solutions, we help our clients understand the need for all carbon reduction solutions and the advantages of a balanced portfolio of avoidance and removals credits – to take action now, and invest in future removals.  It has been very exciting to see how the market demand is growing.

How have you helped to drive quality in the voluntary carbon market?
I have been involved in the carbon market in a number of different ways over time. From the initial carbon market concept development, to the very first projects and trades. I’ve seen the unprecedented growth period during the early phases of the EU Emissions Trading System, and the parallel development of the voluntary market. With so much hype going on in the market today, I believe it is critical to keep it real.  I am part of the ICROA committee that is working to ensure the quality and integrity of the voluntary market. We look at projects and standards to make sure that the emission reductions and removals issued are real. In addition, I co-authored a VCM Global Dialogue paper on project development and serve as the Vice Chair for the Project Developer Forum

What do you find most enjoyable about your job?
Working alongside the many other members of our team that have a vast depth of knowledge and that sit on other industry groups. Through our collective involvement we are able to have a wide view of the voluntary carbon market and play a critical role in steering its future.

Top tip for project partners looking to work with the Voluntary Carbon Market?
The Voluntary Carbon Market is a great tool that can help achieve real positive impacts for local stakeholders, while helping the world address the issues of climate change. However, there can also be frustrations along the way, hurdles put in the way, administrative hoops to jump through etc. We are here to help.

600+ Projects supported by us

Look for a credible long-term partner, with a history of operating in this market over time and dealing with its changes and fluctuations. This will help you achieve a sustainable impact.
We help our clients understand the need for all carbon reduction solutions and the advantages of a balanced portfolio of avoidance and removals credits – to take action now, and invest in future removals.