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Carbon Calculator Project Portfolio

The Climate Impact Portfolio

Most of our customers with a requirement of less than 100 tonnes find it simplest to measure and offset their emissions through our online Climate Impact Portfolio. This is specially selected to provide a mix of the highest quality Emission Reductions from some of our favourite projects, whilst also delivering sustainable development impact.

If you require more than 100 tonnes then please contact us for a conversation about your requirements.

The Projects

Orb Solar, India

Orb Energy makes solar technology more widely available in rural and semi-urban areas, with 100 locally employed technicians encouraging more people to purchase solar panels or solar thermal water heating systems. 160,000 solar units are now providing safe, reliable power to houses and businesses across India, and households are saving more than 50% on electricity bills, while gaining access to clean, reliable power and avoiding blackouts.

Bondhu Chula clean cookstoves, Bangladesh

The Bondhu Chula, which loosely translates as the ‘friendly stove’, has a combustion chamber that is designed to ensure a more efficient burn - reducing fuel use - and a chimney that takes harmful pollutants out of the house - reducing indoor air pollution.

The project employs a network of local shops as their distribution and supply chain units. 5,000 of these micro-entrepreneurs have received training and now produce and sell these stoves on a commercial basis.

Global Renewables

Providing communities with clean energy. These wind, solar and hydropower installations generate renewable electricity which feeds into the grid, displacing fossil fuel generation and improving connections for rural communities.

Please note: Throughout the year we may add additional projects to meet customer demand.