Aqua Clara brings safe water to families and schools across Kenya, replacing the need to boil water over smoky, firewood-fueled stoves. Since 2014 the carbon project has delivered water filters to more than 9,600 households, reducing 215,000 tonnes of CO2. The project creates employment opportunities and educates communities on safe water and sanitation hygiene practices to improve public health.
Aqua Clara partnered with Climate Impact Partners to use our expertise in the monitoring, reporting, and verification (MRV) of the carbon program and to lead the marketing and sales of their carbon credits to generate a sustainable source of revenue for their project.
The Climate Impact Partners team has bought the knowledge and experience we needed to scale our project. As a result of their input, we are now able to provide safe water to more people and deliver greater carbon savings as a result. Their expert advice has not only made the project financially sustainable, but helped us improve the effectiveness of our project, increasing our impact further. We could not have achieved this level of success without them.
What support did Climate Impact Partners provide?
In 2014, Climate Impact Partners committed to buying Aqua Clara’s first Gold Standard Verified Emissions Reductions (VERs). Since then, we have led the development of the carbon asset, managed its transition to a Gold Standard for Global Goals project, and run Aqua Clara's annual verification cycles. Our team is involved in all aspects of the project, from on-the-ground training for field staff, to measuring carbon reductions and progress towards the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.
How does the carbon finance project work?
40% of people lack access to clean drinking water in Kenya. Aqua Clara’s bio-sand water purifiers are locally manufactured and easy to use. They avoid the need for families to boil water, saving CO2 and reducing deforestation. By measuring the CO2 reductions, using a Gold Standard methodology that Climate Impact Partners helped develop, Aqua Clara is able to generate carbon credits. Aqua Clara uses the revenue from selling these credits to subsidize the cost of water filters to rural communities, expanding their market. In addition, they were able to develop and introduce a new, more flexible, faster water filter. The additional revenue stream has made the program sustainable, and our direct involvement in the project from start to finish reassures both Aqua Clara and corporates who purchase the project's carbon credits.
The benefit of carbon finance
Since Climate Impact Partners first helped Aqua Clara to generate and sell carbon credits from its projects, the carbon revenue has enabled them to reach more customers in rural areas and create employment opportunities for more than 60 people. On the back of this success, Climate Impact Partners provided guidance to Aqua Clara to register a new carbon project in 2021 which will expand their carbon program over the next five years to 77,000 households across 32 counties in Kenya.
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