New report: Rate of global warming caused by humans at an all-time high

Last Updated 5 Juni 2024

Today, an international group of researchers published the second annual Indicators of Global Climate Change report finding that global warming caused by human activity is advancing at the highest rate since records began - at 0.26°C per decade. The report, led by the University of Leeds, also highlighted that if we continue to emit carbon dioxide at current levels, we will exhaust the remaining carbon budget - the level of carbon dioxide that can be emitted before reaching 1.5°C of warming - in just five years. 

Sheri Hickok, our CEO shares why now is the time to act, and how we can all play a part in achieving our global climate goals. 

We are all climate influencers, now is the time to use that influence

“This latest study must drive climate action further and faster today – using every single solution we have available. Governments must elevate climate to the top of the agenda, businesses must continue to set ambitious targets and speak proudly about the steps they are taking and, as individuals, we must realise the power of our voices. Every action we collectively take can drive further positive action; we are all influencers. 

"Rapid progress towards global climate targets is vital and we need to use all tools at our disposal, from protecting and restoring nature, to building low carbon infrastructure, to technical removal solutions, so that we can ensure a thriving future for all life on Earth. Just look at how powerful nature can be as a climate mitigation tool and how, through harnessing this, we can create new carbon sinks whilst benefitting biodiversity and communities. There are solutions, we are not helpless.

“The upcoming London Climate Action Week is a perfect moment to push for the whole of society engagement and collaboration we need to scale climate solutions globally and build resilience. As Meister Eckart said -  "the cost of inaction is far greater than the cost of making a mistake." "

We are all climate influencers, now is the time to use that influence."
Sheri Hickok, CEO, Climate Impact Partners